Tuesday, August 10, 2010

When married men flirt? Is he crossing the line?

So I've been reading up on the subject of married men and flirting and have come to the realisation that it is not uncommon at all. But what I am wondering is, when does the flirting stop being innocent? Is the married man allowed to touch this person he's flirting with? As in, he may grab and caress the female's hand. Is he allowed to ask the person out, or ask to be shown the person's, with whom he's flirting, bedroom. I'm asking because a married man, who I only recently found out was married, has done and asked me all of this. After finding out that he's attached, I felt dirty at the thought that I was flirting with someone who has a wife and three children. I also thought his behaviour was disturbing and told him just that.

Does anyone out there believe his behaviour to be inappropriate? If so, how would you, if you were in my position, deal with the situation. I can't really avoid him because of where he works. There's always the possibility of me running into him on an almost daily basis. So, what do you all think I should do, if anything at all.

Thanks.When married men flirt? Is he crossing the line?
Just completely ignore him or talk to him as little as possible. He definitely crossed the line, he's trying to find someone to cheat on his wife with.

I don't mind my husband flirting in a joking way - and he doesn't mind my doing it, but it's wrong when they make physical contact or ask the person out.

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