Monday, August 16, 2010

Married man who flirts with single woman who is rude to his wife?

My husband and a single woman we know are always flirting and hugging everytime they see each other. She is always trying to pick fights with me over nothing and my husband knows this and yet he continues to be chummy with her and I have let him know how I feel about this and he continues this activity which is hurtful to me , any suggestions ?Married man who flirts with single woman who is rude to his wife?
She is rude to you due to the fact they are having a relationship. Time to have a long and difficult discussion with your husband. The other women is not the issue as much as your husband who is married to you. The other woman is obviously lacking in self esteem and in capable of having a serious relationship with someone who is not attached. There are many men and woman in this world who enjoy the string-less attachment that comes along with an affair.Married man who flirts with single woman who is rude to his wife?
He is letting you know that its more important for his ego to be fed by his flirting with some b*tch then how his wife feels.

Perhaps he thinks you are over reacting? I would talk to him about it in a different way, and be really nice and non-comfrontational. If that didn't work --- I would talk to her and ask her what her problem wtih you is..?
Appears he's very insensitive for him to flirt so openly in front of you(or thick). This grown woman is picking fights with you, AND is super chummy with your husband? Wow this would never happen in my marriage, you really have to be more assertive or consider an alternative to this relationship.
there is definitely something going on with them i mean, he should be taking his side coz he's your husband and you are his wife, and that ***** should be ashamed flirting with a married man. leave him duhh and move on, although it won't be easy, it'll be worth it in the end !
i don't hold my tongue as well as you do nor would i hold my fists from flying to her face..

flirting and hugging.. nah not in my world or his.. that's a big no no

tell him to stop or else you'll be the only one hurting in the end.. and if he doesn't stop, well then he's a pig you would be better off without
Get a divorce lawyers card and leave it out by mistake.. just tell him you went to discuss your options because you feel disrespected.

If that does not straighten him up, perhaps you really should see an attorney... the flirting is wrong but to know your feelings and still continue - shows he cares more about himself than you.. and maybe even more about this woman's feelings than yours..

Bye bye time.
Neither one of them has any respect for you sorry to say...

also, if they're that blatant, i'd say there's at LEAST a 75% chance of them already having an affair.

i would start talking to lawyers... does your husband make good $$?? you'll get half!
Yep. Kick his @ss to the curb.
flirt with another man

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