Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How do you control yourself when your wife wants to flirt with other man?

My wife tells me she does this to tease me. It turns me on a little in a crazy way but it also upsets me. I ask her to stop thinking of other men but she says she can't help herself. She makes me steam up and she makes me feel really stupid when I think about getting violent. I know I have to control myself. She says I am too jealous and I need to not control her. She says she would do what she does if I wasn't so jealous? What can I do to help our marriage?How do you control yourself when your wife wants to flirt with other man?
She sounds like a complete prick-tease. She's not only antagonizing you, but also the guys she's flirting with. The whole REASON for flirting is to entice another person to want to have sex with you!!

And the fact that she can't respect your feelings puts her squarely into the selfish me-me-me ***** category. What she's doing is not ';teasing'; its TAUNTING...there's a HUGE difference!!

I think it's time for tougher measures: Tell her she stops it immediately, or you're filing for divorce.

Think of it this way: even if she's only ';flirting'; now, what's to say that the first time you go on a business trip, she's not going to take the flirting to the next level?? Is that something you REALLY want eating at you the entire time you're gone?How do you control yourself when your wife wants to flirt with other man?

I faced a similar situation even before marriage. She was simply been very rude and selfish, with the way she behaved. very disrespectful towards my feelings.I gave her chance for a year, I spoke to her nicely and lovingly but, I even wrote letters.she never made any effort to correct herself

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Finally it turned very sour and let me tell you, she is nt worth it and not respectful loving wife, You need to make some serius decisions. Sh needs helpd and mind you, she will deny that she is the one with the problem and WILL out the blame on you. You have the right to be upset about it.

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I tollerated and gave her many chances, she turned out to be a mentally imblanced to behave in such manner, I still wanted to give it try but then she seemed she got what she wanted,no she have go around flirtfing all she likes. we are divoced.But she wasted my life. that she will pay but I forgive

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Are you married to my X wife, that was one of her things, come to find out, she was actually shopping for a ';better deal';, the entire time! good luck to you when you start a new life w/o her!
start ignoring her and flirting with other women
It's not about control it's about respect!

She needs to respect u!
Your wife's behavior is completely unacceptable. I suggest you sit down with her and determine the nature of your relationship. Seems a bit childish for her to flirt with other men in your presence and there are other methods she should use to turn you on. Her attempts to be flirtatious can lead to possible affairs or create trust issues within your relationship. You should determine what is/what is not acceptable in your relationship. Seems like she is playing on your jealously and I disagree that this is the route to take to cure your jealously. Eventually your anger may progress and further damage your relationship.

Be honest with her and let her know the cause and affects of her actions. Good Luck!!!
Well think about it, you said it turns you on so if you let her do this in past why would she stop now??? You should never have told you it turns you on and she is married and needs to stop. Now its part of what she does and if she has a problem lusting after other men, you can one of two things. First tell her to stop and second is she doesnt just leave the larraige. Eventually she will act out on these flirtatious ways, its only a matter of time. Both of you have issues being that your married and enjoyed her flirting. Work it out or get out!
what can you do to help your marriage? tell your wife to stop flirting with other men!! problem solved. geez.
WOW I always thought that flirting was a normal thing. I do it all the time and so does my husband. It isn't like you want it too go anywhere you are just being friendly. So I wouldn't worry about it she is with you and only you.
ok, your wife is crazy. she is the one with the problem. her teasing you and flirting with other men in an attempt to get back at your for being jealous is like drinking beer in front of an alcoholic. she is the one with the problem. how could you not be jealous when your wife purposely does this in front of you. i'm not a jealous person at all, but if my hubby purposely did it in front of me to make me mad, he would be gone.
I would pay an ugly guy to chat her up, while you are watching, then you go over and chat to a gorgeous escort that you can hire for the night. I gaurantee it will work.
tell her that you've been ***** her sister and her best mate for a long time now and you are thinking of moving them in with you,so she will have to stay in the spare room a few nights a week. that will soon stop the flirting.
She is not only taking the piss, she is asking you to like it. Either things change pronto or bin her.
ratchet things up a notch

see if shes into the MFM fantasy we all have

if she aint then - its all blow (not really) and no show
She sounds like a bad wife......... flirting with other men.. that is not good.
This is complicated. Counseling would be a good call in order to save the marriage. Looking at both sides I think you need to sit down with her and really talk to her about how you feel. You deserve respect. This is not a high school relationship it is a marriage and if she feels that she must flirt with other men then she should not be in a marriage. Turn on or not she needs to learn limits. Me and my husband have got to strip clubs together but only on my discretion. I honestly think bringing other people into the relationship from time to time isn't a bad thing but it can cause problems in the wrong hands. You say she does it to tease you? Tease you how? Sounds to me like she's testing you to see how much you will take. On the other hand it is absolutely true that if a man is over bearing or over jealous and possessive it DOES push the woman away. It's a natural instinct in us to pull away from people who hold us to close. We have a strong since of freedom and independence. BUT, she needs to figure out what she wants, other men or you. If she is willing to save the marriage as I'm sure you are then I suggest marriage counseling. As far as controlling yourself that's very hard to do. I choose to look at what is happening and analyze it. Is she actually going out and having sex? Or is she just trying to make you jealous? Really try to realize what is important to you and weather or not it's worth getting upset about. If she loves you she will try to work with you to make you happy. I wish you luck!
Go and see a marriage counsellor (both of you) ... because she's encouraging bad traits in your marriage, and the longer you leave it unresolved etc ... the more problems you'll find yourselves in as time passes.

She needs to grow up.

Best of luck to you both.
Get a new wife?

Sorry, that's not 'normal' behavior. If you insist on staying in this marriage, simply walk away when she starts this behavior. Stick around and take it, then you might want to ask for your balls back.
And you never look at other women, right?

Let her have fun and enjoy the ride with her. It's harmless.

Tell her to not do it, that it bothers you. Tell her no good wife does that, and that if you love me you will not want to do it, and shouldn't have to be controled. Tell her if you can't help it then you can't help but give her divorce papers.
well that is rude. If she knows you do not like it, she should not o it. I think it is rude and something that I would not like either
get a new wife .....

my friends g/f does that to him so that she can feel ';protected'; ... she got him so crazy that he went to jail and is now out on $5000 bail ...

its all fun and games to her to get him all worked up and going crazy on people!
I got news for you---you married the wrong person. You and your jelousy are not a problem----she's inappropriate and she's not even acting like a married woman. The fact that she says she can't help herself tells me that she's got some serious problems---the kind that don't make for a healthy, normal relationship. You've got a lot of thinking to do about your life here cause I think you're headed for a pretty miserable marriage.
she has some issues......and so will you if this doesnt stop....

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